"/fs_img How You Can Help

On Our Own

How You Can Help

On Our Own operates on grants and donations. On this page you will find many ways that you can help.


Volunteer to fix and serve lunch occasionally.

Teach consumers a craft project.

Share your knowledge of special topics.

Teach a class on medical issues, safety or medication.

There are many ways that you can volunteer your time at On Our Own.   


You can donate items such as:




Office Supplies

Paper Products

And Much More

Offer Free Services

You can help by offering free services like:


First Aid Course

Educational Classes

Money Management

Learn to Read Classes

And More

Our Facility

As we continue to grow we are faced with some crowding issues. We are working on expanding the facility we are currently in which may be a temorary solution until we can obtain a bigger facility. Right now we serve around 30 cunsumers each day we are opened. This is done with a small kitchen without a stove, one restroom and not enough available space to set up tables for eating so cunsumers are forced to eat sitting on a couch or piece of excercise equipment.